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Oakbrook School

Working on Math Facts!


Oakbrook School

100 Days Brighter!!


Oakbrook School

100 Dias de Escuela!!


Oakbrook School

Story Center


Oakbrook School

100 Days of School!!

Oakbrook Elementary School Resources

 Mission Statement

The Mission of Oakbrook Elementary School is to implement best-practice instruction and assessment in order to provide learning experiences that encourage students to reach their full academic, social, emotional, and physical potential within a safe, nurturing, and accepting learning community.

Vision Statement

The Oakbrook School Community will embrace the diversity of our students and collaborate to challenge and encourage students to be 21st-century learners with the resources to succeed in work and life.

First page of the PDF file: HALFDAY2

Reminder to all WD7 families that there will be a 1/2 day of school (AM attendance only) on Friday, February 14th for Half-Day School Improvement.  --  Recordatorio para todas las familias de WD7 que habrá medio día de clases (solo por la mañana) el viernes 14 de febrero 2025 Dia de Mejoramiento Escolar por la tarde.

Learn More about Reminder to All WD7 Families: Half Day (AM Only) on Friday, February 14th -- Recordatorio A Familias De WD7: Medio Día (Solo AM) El viernes 14 de febrero
Board President, Mr. Joe Petrella Announces New WD7 Superintendent - El Sr. Joe Petrella, Presidente de la Junta de Educacion 7,  Anuncia el Nuevo Superintendente de WD7

Dear WD7 Families, Community Members & Staff,

The Board continues to adhere to their timeline for identifying the new superintendent.  As promised, I am providing all of you with an update regarding the search.  Representatives from the search firm (BWP) presented the Superintendent Candidate Profile they developed at the October board meeting last week.  Please CLICK HERE to view the superintendent leadership profile.  The profile was based on information BWP gathered from the focus groups, surveys and interviews completed over the last month. This profile will be used by BWP to screen candidates to be interviewed by the board.  Interviews will take place in December with the goal of hiring and announcing the new superintendent in January.  Please click language to view the survey results ENGLISH  SPANISH  POLISH.  

On behalf of the Board I would like to thank all of you for your participation in the focus groups and surveys that were used to develop the profile. Your input is important to us.


Joe Petrella, President
Board of Education 7

Learn More about Board President, Mr. Joe Petrella Announces New WD7 Superintendent - El Sr. Joe Petrella, Presidente de la Junta de Educacion 7, Anuncia el Nuevo Superintendente de WD7
Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Winter weather is fast approaching. Information regarding school closing procedures was sent last week and is also available on the website.-- El clima de invierno se acerca rápidamente. La información sobre los procedimientos de cierre de escuelas se envio la semana pasada y también está disponible en el sitio web. CLICK TO VIEW:  ENGLISH  SPANISH  POLISH

Learn More about Emergency School Closing Information - Informacion con Respecto a Cierre de Emergencia de las Escuelas

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